PatternFly & Red Hat Virtualization
PatternFly & Red Hat Virtualization
What I did
Led the UX efforts to transition Red Hat Virtualization to PatternFly 4
Utilized the open source design system PatternFly to align Red Hat Virtualization more with other Red Hat products
Redesigned existing Red Hat Virtualization UI features using the newest version of PatternFly, PatternFly 4
Assisted developers with navigating PatternFly 4 and determine which components are the best suited for use cases
Created a more consistent product experience throughout Red Hat Virtualization
PatternFly is the open-source design system that is used across all Red Hat products.
In the past, Red Hat Virtualization used a custom UI library different from PatternFly, making it a significant effort to transition Red Hat Virtualization to PatternFly 3. I joined the Red Hat Virtualization product team when they were mid-transition to PatternFly 3. I provided UX expertise and guidance in the last stages of the transition to follow through.
After the transition to PatternFly 3 was complete, I started to figure out a transition plan with the product team to PatternFly 4. It was released not too long after the initial transition to PatternFly 3 was completed.
Red Hat Virtualization is also known as oVirt in the open source community.
My role
UX/UI Design, Visual Design
Sketch, Sketch Cloud, Invision, PatternFly (Red Hat’s design system)
Web-based application
July 2018-April 2020
Design goal
My main goal was for Red Hat Virtualization to adopt PatternFly as fully as it could. By adopting PatternFly, the overall experience would be more unified and consistent with other products in the Red Hat product portfolio. Improving consistency and usability were key design goals of mine.
Design process
Mid Transition to PatternFly 3
I joined the Red Hat Virtualization product team when Red Hat Virtualization was transitioning to PatternFly 3. As the only UX designer on the team, it was my responsibility to lead the rest of the transition.
Fully Transitioned to PatternFly 3
The virtual machine portal was a recent addition to Red Hat Virtualization before I joined the product team. However, major features still needed to be designed and implemented, so I continued that effort as the team’s lead UX designer.
Another key feature of the virtual machine dashboard is that the user can view virtual machine utilization information, make edits to the virtual machine, and modify different virtual machine facets like snapshots, network interfaces, and disks.
Red Hat Virtualization and making the transition to PatternFly 4
PatternFly 4 is the next generation of the PatternFly design system. As the lead UX designer for Red Hat Virtualization, I started developing a path forward to begin the transition to PatternFly 4.
To more fully understand what a PatternFly 4 transition would look like in reality, I started to have conversations with developers, project managers, and other product team members to figure out the next steps.
After getting input from the larger product team, it was determined that the transition to PatternFly 4 would be gradual and incremental. Red Hat Virtualization is an extensive application, but there was not enough bandwidth on the development team’s side to fully take on such a great effort.
As the lead UX designer, I took this feedback and changed my design strategy to transition to PatternFly 4. Instead of one significant UI overhaul to PatternFly 4, it made more sense to transition high touch elements of the UI and new dialogs to PatternFly 4 and gradually go from there.
One of the first pages to get transitioned over to PatternFly 4 was the login screen since it’s the first UI the user interacts with when they open Red Hat Virtualization.
Key components like donut charts, sparkline charts, font, colors, typography, and icons have already been transitioned over to PatternFly 4.
New dialogs like the ‘Export VM (Virtual Machine)’ have been transitioned over to PatternFly 4 as well.
Red Hat Virtualization fully transitioned to PatternFly 4
To envision what a full PatternFly 4 transition would look like, I created exploratory designs of what the two portals of Red Hat Virtualization would look like and how they would behave.
Here are some examples of fully transitioned UIs.
What I learned
In larger product portfolios, using a consistent design system is a necessity. After adopting PatternFly, Red Hat Virtualization’s overall UX became much more consistent with the rest of the Red Hat product portfolio.
Larger UI transitions take a lot of time and effort. Transitioning a complex UI over to a new design system and UI framework takes a lot of time, effort, and team bandwidth to complete so you have to be patient and take it a step at a time.